Chapter 2. What's new

Table of Contents

2.0 final
2.0 Release candidate 3
2.0 Release candidate 2
2.0 Release candidate 1

Note: not all items the following list have (yet) been fully documented, and some might not be present in any other chapter in the manual. To find a more detailed description of new functions and methods please take a look at the source code of the library, which is quite thoroughly commented in javadoc-like form.


Note: this might the last release of the library that will support PHP 4. Future releases (if any) should target php 5.0 as minimum supported version.

  • fixed: encoding of utf-8 characters outside of the BMP plane

  • fixed: character set declarations surrounded by double quotes were not recognized in http headers

  • fixed: be more tolerant in detection of charset in http headers

  • fixed: fix detection of zlib.output_compression

  • fixed: use feof() to test if socket connections are to be closed instead of the number of bytes read (rare bug when communicating with some servers)

  • fixed: format floating point values using the correct decimal separator even when php locale is set to one that uses comma

  • fixed: improve robustness of the debugger when parsing weird results from non-compliant servers

  • php warning when receiving 'false' in a bool value

  • improved: allow the add_to_map server method to add docs for single params too

  • improved: added the possibility to wrap for exposure as xmlrpc methods plain php class methods, object methods and even whole classes